Thursday, May 23, 2013

Shit I Learned This Semester: The Final Semester

For those of you who are new to this list, as there always are a few, ever semester since the Fall of 2010, I have written a list of things that I have learned, seen, and experienced throughout the prior few months.  It has become an end-of-term ritual in which I have been able to reflect on the highlights, and lowlights, of each semester.  It has helped me deal with heartache, stress, and confusion while also enlightening me to joys, successes, and triumphs.  It saddens me a bit to realize that this is the final formal installment of this list, since my life will no longer be structured in semesters now that I have a college diploma (or at least not for a while), but some kind of periodic reflection is something that I hope to keep doing in the future.  I want you all take a minute to look back at the lessons that life has imparted on you and let those fester in your brain.  All of those things are what have brought you to this point and you will realize how much they have helped to prepare you for the life you're living today.

I think it's important to look at my own growth throughout time, so here is an archive of all the previous lists, if for further reference to my journey through college:
Fall 2010

And now, for the final list:

1) You are allowed to make mistakes.
2) It's both exciting and eerie to return to place you haven't been in a while.
3) Do not accidentally eat the little plastic baby in a King Cake.
4) Express what you feel because nobody is a mind-reader.
5) It's okay to be unsure of what you want.
6) To have doubts means that you are thinking critically
7) Your worth is not measured by your salary.
8) The internet is not democratic.
9) You cannot plan how you're going to feel.
10) Don't be afraid of making new connections or reviving old ones.
11) I am not even remotely prepared for grad school.
12) If all else fails, I can become a seamstress.
13) It's never too late to make a new best friend.
14) ¿Dónde está la cueva?
15) You have yet to see the most beautiful places.
16) You have yet to meet the most amazing people.
17) Nothing feels better than proving people wrong.
18) In Puerto Rico, everything is "20 minutes away."
19) It's ColoRADo, not ColoRODo.
20) Pulling around a large plush giraffe on wheels is an effective way of getting a lot of attention.
21) I will always be a Midnight Ramblers groupie.
22) In retrospect, you will always remember the good things...
23) don't be afraid of uncertainty in the future because you're bound to remember all the good stuff anyway. 
24) Some things don't change.
25) There is nothing remotely interesting about the entire state of Indiana.
26) You may possibly graduate with high distinction and not know it until the ceremony.
27) Time doesn't heal everything.
28) I am horrible at goodbyes.
29) There is something so fulfilling about keeping promises.
30) Sometimes, you have to rip the bandaid off.  Really fast.
31) Mario Kart is awesome.
32) I should have boned more frat bros.
33) Never get too comfortable.  Things will be more exciting that way.
34) "Breathe. Drink water. Run in circles. Do some jumping jacks. Twerk. Then keep breathing."
35) There are some pretty interesting and unique ways to use a crockpot.
36) Emojis, Snapchats, and Instagram have significantly altered modern youth relationships.
37) It takes one person to change your self-esteem.  It's yourself.
38) Know your strengths, and always use them to your ability.
39) I am slowly becoming my parents.
40) The Ratchet Effect is actually an economic principle.
41) Not only are you moving forward, but you are also leaving things behind.
42) The greatest achievement in life is to stand up again after failing.
43) "Jugo de China" is actually just orange juice.
44) College has prepared me to be an amazing bullshitter.
45) College has also prepared me to be passionate about things that matter.
46) The smallest gesture can cause the biggest reaction.
47) "Achievement is tied to your ability to let go of the past.  Envisioning your future is never easy because you have to break down walls." 
48) Fail fast.  And fail efficiently.
49) We will always have the past to keep us together in the future.
50) I'm gonna miss this place.

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