Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Fortune Cookie

The other day, I ordered Chinese food at work (General Tso's Tofu... it was good).  It was the first time that I had indulged in some in a while, so it was nice.  Anyway, it came with a multicolored fortune cookie.  The Chinese take-out places around me are stingy with their fortune cookies, so it was a pleasant surprise.

For some reason, I take these things really seriously.  Fortune cookies, dreams, palm reading, horoscopes (occasionally), and all that crap.  It's a bit of an obsession.  I smiled as I read it and stuck it right in my wallet.  If you've seen my wallet, you'd know that things get hidden in there for safe-keeping and stay there for a minimum of roughly two years.  One day, I'll be going through my wallet and come across this fortune and smile in the same way I smiled when I first got it.

In the matter of a few days, I'll be heading back up to the University of Rochester for my sophomore year of college.  This fortune couldn't have come at a better time.  I've been very excited and anxious to go back, but I'm a bit nervous to leave again, and I'm scared of what will come to me this upcoming year.

Cheers to not getting too comfortable.

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